KitchenAid KPRA Pasta Roller Attachment for Stand Mixers

Buy Cheap KitchenAid KPRA Pasta Roller Attachment for Stand Mixers

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We're sure you'll agree, the flavor and texture of boxed pasta pales in comparison to fresh homemade pasta. But who has the time and energy for cranking dough through a manual machine? Fortunately that workhorse of the kitchen, your KitchenAid stand mixer is happy to do the work with this attachment. Make egg noodles, lasagna, tortellini, fettuccine, and angel hair pasta. Add herbs and seasonings to compliment any recipe.

Technical Details

- Stainless-steel set includes pasta roller, fettuccine cutter, and linguine fine cutter
- Fit all KitchenAid stand mixers
- Clean with included wooden cleaning brush and toothpicks
- Attachments measure approximately 9 by 3 inches
- 1-year warranty; made in Italy
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Customer Buzz
 "Grandma Would be Proud" 2009-07-18
By Dzzy Edge (Mission Viejo, CA USA)
I have owned a hand-crank pasta machine for 30 years. I purchased my Artisan Kitchenaid two years ago and I have been curious about how its pasta roller attachments would work in comparison.

I received them last night, and made 1-pound of fettucine. I am pleased with my purchase.

One of the main adavantages of using this set is that you have hands free - well worth the investment to me.

A tip for the customers who have the issue of pulling their cut pasta apart after cutting it: try drying your sheets a bit before putting them through the cutting roller, and dust the sheets with flour.

My Grandma would be proud to know that I am keeping the hand-crafted food legacy going - even though I am getting help with modern technology :-)

Customer Buzz
 "Thrilled!" 2009-06-29
By Erin Smylie (Ontario)
I have wanted this for some time and got the best price by far at Amazon. The same set was selling at Sears for $250.

Anyways, it works like a dream, so much easier and faster than traditional manual pasta machines. I am thrilled, and my family loves the fresh pasta.

Customer Buzz
 "Greatness" 2009-06-25
By e.jones (Berkeley, CA USA)
Dried pasta just can't compare to fresh pasta and these rollers almost make doing it from scratch easier than openning a box of the dried stuff.

Customer Buzz
 "Pasta made easy" 2009-06-23
By M. Y. Hilscher (Illinois, USA)
Love this product!!!! I will never buy store bought pasta again!!!! Great to involve family and friends when making pasta. I recommend this tool to anyone who loves pasta.

Customer Buzz
 "the best pasta maker" 2009-06-23
By Michael Weinstein
Our old "as seen on TV" pasta maker died not long ago, and we thought to get one that worked with our new Kitchenaid mixer. Turns out the best move we've made in awhile. The dough is easily made, and you don't have to worry about breaking the machine, unlike the old one.

The set comes with a roller that has progressively thinner settings. You start thick and continue to reduce the thickness of your dough until you get the correct consistency. The rollers also allow you to fold and reorient the dough as you roll it, which is important for good texture. Once you have it reduced to the proper thickness (thicknesses are indicated in the little booklet that comes with) you can cut it into fetuccini or thinner linguini.

Take the pasta recipes with a grain of salt, the amount of liquid you put in will vary based on the liquid content of your flour, size of the eggs, phase of the moon etc... The first batch I made all stuck together after it was cut (the stuff from the old machine never did), so I just ran it through again! A pasta dryer is a good idea. We love this one, it's solid and metal (made in Italy!), easily cleans up, and makes really, really good pasta. Once you've eaten home-made pasta you will never again buy it in a store, it's that good.

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Buy KitchenAid KPRA Pasta Roller Attachment for Stand Mixers Now

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